Thursday, 22 January 2009

A day trip

On Sunday we decided to take the boys into town. Andrew had watched a film about Oliver Cromwell on telly with his dad so was asking about Parliament. We took him to see Cromwells' sculpture and a few other famous landmarks. My landscape photography is not great as it doesn't appeal to me but still had fun while we were out and about.


Don't get many pictures of my husband and he doesn't like having his picture taken but had to get this shot when he and David and little nap.

Brings back memories from when Bradley and Andrew were babies.

Friday, 16 January 2009


David is a whole 16 days old now and mummy was a bit tired today after a restless night. Candice bought David round then had a sleep here while I have a play. Bless his heart he fell sound asleep and I very quickly got some shots done. Been playing with various photoshop actions today (something I haven't done for a while) Hope you like the results.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Watch out for the Weather

A car skidded into a spin tonight and hit a small van and flipped it onto its side. Despite all the ambulances it looked like there were only walking wounded .

Please watch out for black ice and drive carefully.

Sunday, 4 January 2009

I wasn't going to blog these ....

because to be honest the set up was totally down to Cheryl Johnson of Feelgoodphotos. Cheryl came armed with tonnes of props and pressies for David and spent a lot of time setting the scenes for photographing him. I just dived in occasionally with my camera to have a play. So although I know I pressed the shutter the rest is down to Cheryl. Please check out her blog to see them.

Friday, 2 January 2009

More Pictures of My Beautiful Grandson

I apologise in advance because if you check my blog regularly you are going to get bombarded with pictures of David. I still find it hard to believe he his here. Nipped out at lunchtime for a quick cuddle and of course had to take the camera with me.

Thursday, 1 January 2009

I really should keep track of my pics.

In March a couple of West Ham players came to Canary Wharf and I took pictures. The press officer from WHU asked if I could send her a couple of pics. Only just got around to checking their website and they used one in a news story.
Always nice to know where you pics are being used LOL,,12562~1251440,00.html