Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Module 2

What a rush this was. After being very ill before work this morning and feeling sorry for mystelf I still managed to get some work done for this assignment. Thanks to Lola and Adele
Femine poses.

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Hope you all had a Happy Easter

Spent an extremely exhausting but fun weekend at my sisters. On the photography front it was a real disappointment - not enough time (too busy with party preps), not enough space (house was packed all weekend) and not enough light. Had fun making the rice crispy cake bunny nests and to be honest, thats probably one of the best pictures from the weekend.

Friday, 21 March 2008

Addicted to Black and White

Loving black and white. Bradley has dry skin and chapped lips at the moment, and is still really pasty from being ill last week. Loved the eyes in the colour version of this picture but the skin and lips made him look quite unwell. Had a little tweek in photoshop and coverted to Black and white and I am loving it.

Thank Goodness for Photoshop

Thursday, 20 March 2008

Playing with Photoshop 2

Ok had some feedback on the first Image of Grace so I have had another go. This time in Black & White. Selected only the red channel then copied that so it was a double red channel. Then used the brush tool to fade the edges.

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Playing with Photosphop

Here is my attempt at a Hi key image .This is Grace being a little cutie.

Meet Grace and Max

Grace is 4 and Max is 5 weeks. They are such cuties. Their mum Jane looks great but I know thats because she is getting lots and lots of help from Grace.

These are better viewed large so double click on the images to seem them full size.

Monday, 17 March 2008

People Imagery

I started another of CJs fantastic photography courses this week. We are doing people inmagery and I managed to pursade a work collegue to model for me.

These are the 9 that I selected as my final shots

Sunday, 9 March 2008

Royal Arsenal open day

Today the Royal Arsenal at Woolwich had a free entry day to residents of the borough. We have been before but decided to go again. Its a fascinate place and there are a few reinacters wandering about who are ready to stop and chat about all the facsinating things they know. Had a good wander round and managed to get back to the car avoiding the rain showers.

Friday, 7 March 2008

Spring is here

Lovely day today. Took the camera down at lunchtime to the park in front of the tower. Blue Peter crew are on the roof today and I was hoping to get a couple of shots of whatever they were up to. I had to settle for a few shots around the park. It was chillier than it looks but it was nice to get out of the office while it was still daylight.

Monday, 3 March 2008

Photo Scavenger Hunt

FINALLY got round to doing my scavenger hunt photographs. The three words were Green, Four and round.

I was going to take a picture of four peas but we had sweetcorn this weekend. Instead I opted for three seperate pictures.